About Anshei Shalom
About Anshei Shalom
Congregation Anshei Shalom of West Hempstead is a vibrant, warm and welcoming shul, housed in a beautiful, modern building yet maintaining an old-world charm. We have an ever-increasing number of members spanning various age groups, with many young members and growing families. As such, weekly Shabbat youth groups cater to our next generation and a new teen minyan is hugely successful. Daily minyanim, weekly shiurim and three Shabbat minyanim, including an early minyan and a Sephardic minyan separate us from other congregations in the neighborhood. Following Shabbat davening, the congregation partakes in a kiddush in the ballroom where our Rabbi greets members and congregants have the opportunity to socialize, meet new members, and extend greetings to guests.
Our Sisterhood coordinates fund-raising events, organizes social gatherings and offers assistance to new mothers or those sitting shiva in the form of Shabbat meals.
Members are kept current with weekly and community schedules as well as with simcha or bereavement notices via e-mail and through our social media platforms.
We welcome inquiries or those who may be interested in spending a Shabbat in West Hempstead. For more information please visit the Welcoming Committee page.
Sat, November 2 2024
1 Cheshvan 5785
Monthly Calendar (PDF)
This week's Torah portion is Parshas Noach
Candle Lighting
Shabbos, Nov 2, 5:31pm |
Motzei Shabbos, Nov 2, 6:37pm |
Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan
Shabbos, Nov 2 |
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