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The Anshei Shalom Sisterhood is dedicated to providing year-round fun and educational events and opportunities.   The Sisterhood sponsors activities for women only, as well as activities for the entire family, and community.  

We have events specific to the Jewish holidays, including a Simchat Torah Kiddush, Shavuout Cheesecake Kiddush and Purim Baskets.   In addition, we sponsor both educational and fun adult activities throughout year, including Torah classes and Trivia Night.

The 2020-2022 Sisterhood Board
Name Position
Abigail Feldman Co-President
Stefani Korman Co-President
Tova Weschler Treasurer


Sisterhood membership dues are $18 a year.

We are always looking for new members to get involved - please contact Dana Stern or Laura Eisner at

The Anshei Shalom Sisterhood is dedicated to providing year-round fun and educational events and opportunities.   The Sisterhood sponsors activities for women only, as well as activities for the entire family, and community.  
We offer on-going monthly events, such as our monthly Book Club, as well as events specific to the Jewish holidays, including a Simchat Torah Lunch, Chanukah Boutique, and Purim Baskets.   In addition, we sponsor both educational and fun adult activities throughout year, including Torah classes, Trivia Night, and Book Club meetings.
Mon, September 16 2024 13 Elul 5784